07-31-2015 - Revelstoke RCMP is
currently investigating two Break and Enters that occurred on Friday July 31,
2015 at approximately 11:15pm.
Culprits broke into both
the Rona Building Supply store and the Revelstoke Bottle Depot which are
located on Cartier Street in Revelstoke, BC.
The culprits gained
access the Bottle Depot and once inside stole approximately thirty-dollars in
The culprits then gained
access to the Building Supply store by cutting a hole in the perimeter fence
and, once inside the compound, smashed a large window, providing
them access inside the store.
The culprits ransacked
the building and located and broke into a safe.
They stole an undetermined amount of cash and then stole several tools
which included the Makita brand power tools.
Culprits tampered with
the video surveillance system an extracted the hard drive computer, causing
damage to it. However, RCMP Forensic
Identification Services attended and managed to obtain digital images of the
culprits as well as seized additional evidence.
The culprits are
believed to have fled the scene in an unknown vehicle.

The other culprit is a
Caucasian adult female wearing a light blue hoodie with dark ‘knicker’ style
pants, gloves and shoes.

The Revelstoke RCMP are
seeking public assistance in providing information on this crime. Please take a close look at the culprits shown
in the photos, as someone may have observed the couple in the Revelstoke area
prior to the Break and Enters.
If you have any
information pertaining to these Break and Enters or any other crime, please do
not hesitate to contact the Revelstoke RCMP at 250 837 5255 or Crime Stoppers
at 1-800-222-8477 or visit their website at www.revelstokecrimestoppers.ca
Case numbers: RV2015
2298 RV2015 2300