Monday, 7 February 2022

Theft: Mica Creek Dam

The Revelstoke RCMP are seeking the publics assistance in trying to identify three individuals depicted in the still photographs.

On Saturday January 1st 2022 at approximately 5:41 AM the unknown individuals were observed on Closed Circuit Television taking spools of copper, a tidy tank, tools and other miscellaneous equipment from the Mica Creek Dam work site located on Highway 23 N and placing the items in a vehicle before departing the area with the stolen property. Some of the property was later located abandoned but the individuals are still outstanding.

 If you have any information about this crime or any other crime, you are asked to contact the Revelstoke RCMP at 250 837 5255 or Revelstoke Crime Stoppers at 1800 222 TIPS  (8477) or

File Number: RV2022-12



Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Theft: Revelstoke Lodge & Revelstoke Days Inn

The Revelstoke RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the two males depicted in the photograph below. On December 17, 2021 between 9:15 PM and 9:35 PM the two males broke into two different vending machines and stole the money inside from the Revelstoke Lodge and the Revelstoke Days Inn. The males may be associated to an older (2000’s) Toyota Sienna minivan.

If you have any information with respect to this theft or any other criminal act, please do not hesitate to contact the Revelstoke RCMP at 250-837-5255 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit their website at

Case File Number: 2021-3311

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Stolen Bike

The Revelstoke RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance regarding any information about a stolen bike.The bike was stolen on October 22, 2021 from the area of 10th St E sometime overnight. 

The bike is described as a ten-speed, black Trek bike with the word "Trek" in green. The bike also had a white "Devinci" sticker on the upper part of the frame. 

If you have any information with respect to this stolenbike or any other criminal act, please do not hesitate to contact the Revelstoke RCMP at 250-837-5255 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Case Number:  2021-2854 


Monday, 29 March 2021

THEFT - Sandman Inn, Revelstoke

2021-03-08 - On March 8, 2021 between 7:40 - 7:55 pm two unknown males attended the Sandman Inn in Revelstoke and broke into the vending machine, damaging the machine and taking the money inside.  The two noted males left the premises in the vehicle depicted below.  

If you have any information with respect to this theft or any other criminal act, please do not hesitate to contact the Revelstoke RCMP at 250-837-5255 or CRIMESTOPPERS at 1-800-222-8477/1-800-222-TIPS or visit their website at

Tip Number:  RV21-646


Thursday, 9 July 2020

BREAK & ENTER / THEFT - Big Eddy Area, Revelstoke

07-01-2020 - The Revelstoke RCMP are seeking the public's assistance in identifying the two males and vehicle in the still digital images below in reference to a Break and Enter/Theft that occurred on July 1, 2020 at approximately 2:40 pm in the Big Eddy area of Revelstoke.  The first male is described as:  Caucasian male, brown hair, small frame, 25-35 years old, wearing a grey long hoody with black pants and black sneakers.  The second male is described as:  Possibly Asian male, athletic build, 35-45 years old, wearing a black fedora type hat and a blue/purple long sleeve shirt with blue pants, white sneakers and gloves.  The vehicle is believed to be a 4 door gold sedan.

If you have any information with respect to this occurrence or the below noted males, please do not hesitate to contact the Revelstoke RCMP at 250-837-5255 or CRIME STOPPERS at 1-800-222-8477/1-800-222-TIPS or visit their website at

Case Number:  RV2020-1965