Saturday, 15 June 2013

VANDALISM - Revelstoke Lodge

06-15-2013 - Sometime in the early morning hours on Saturday June 15, 2013 unknown culprit(s) caused extensive damage to a Silver 2004 Audi AA4 that was parked at the Revelstoke Lodge located at 601 West 1 Street in Revelstoke, BC. 

The damage to the hood is estimated at $2,500.  Revelstoke RCMP believe a chair had been thrown from the upper balcony and landed on this vehicle.

Suspects may be from either BC or Alberta.

Anyone with information on this offense, please contact the Revelstoke RCMP detachment at 250.837-5255, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

Case number: RV2013-1851